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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Rainbow Six : Vegas System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2007-04-07 09:03:55 Views : 53437 Items for multi-player mode Attain the indicated rank to unlock the corresponding items for multi-player mode.
Secret Lab When Jung must hack the computer to open the door to Irena, enemies rappel down from the windows. Before you tell him to hack, send your team to the far side of the room over near the fenced area. Then, run behind the computer and tell Jung to hack it. A trigger will activate and the enemies will start pouring into the room. Your team will take most of them out on the way to the computer. If one of the team goes down Jung will stop moving towards the computer and sit there (or Michael, depending on who goes down). Once there is a pause in the onslaught, tell him to heal your partner. You can then order them around as usual. During this time Jung was supposed to be hacking the terminal but killing all the enemies skips this part. Once done, tell Jung to hack it again. He will open the door to Irena. Micheal gets left behind. Watch yourself; there are enemies on the stairs above you and will pick you off as you come up, especially on under the realistic difficulty setting. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Rainbow Six : Vegas cheat codes.
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